Amongst life’s most significant choices, selecting the right partner to manage your resources is undeniably one of the major ones. It’s a rare opportunity and essential to get right.


Both of us have a rich history of working within some of the world’s largest and most influential financial institutions. Over the years, we’ve immersed ourselves in the wealth of knowledge and insights these institutions had to offer. It’s from this deep well of experience and wisdom that we draw our confidence in embarking on this journey alongside you.

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Candice Paine CFA, CFP

Candice started her financial planning and wealth management journey in 2015. Having spent 20 years in finance both globally and locally, it was finally time to hang up the corporate gloves and become more self-determining whilst adding real value to real people in terms of their money. She spent many years at Sanlam Investment Management running their retail business and has also headed up research teams and spent time as an analyst and portfolio manager. Candice completed a BComm Honours at the University of Cape Town and is a CFA and CFP®.

Barbara Vintcent CFP

Barbara worked for BlackRock, the global asset manager, for 20 years in both London and Cape Town, holding the position of Managing Director. In 2020, she embarked on her financial planning journey. Her move to financial planning has been motivated by the desire to use her industry experience to assist individuals in making and executing sound financial decisions. Barbara majored in Economics and Industrial Psychology at UCT and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Marketing). Barbara is a CFP® and also holds a Post Grad Diploma in Financial Planning from the University of Free State.